Graston is great for breaking down scar tissues and adhesions within your muscles whereas, Cupping is great for removing inflammation from the muscles.
Graston technique is used for movement pattern problems as it effectively breaks down scar tissue to be able to treat soft tissue lesions with the depth, pressure, and specificity necessary to affect the condition at the site of the pain. The most common forms of Graston include Achilles, Cervical, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Lumbar, and Patellofemoral.
Cupping is most commonly used for pain where inflammation is being stored including the neck, upper and lower back, glutes, and more. It reduces inflammation that causes pain and restricted mobility. Cupping is also used to restore optimum blood circulation as it loosens your muscles which can create anti-inflammatory proteins to jump-start recovery. Think of it like putting a steak in a zip lock back in the freezer. It won’t move. Cupping pulls away the muscle so it can loosen up and move which is where blood flow happens.
Both techniques are used to decrease the everyday tension carried within your body including your overall physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual recovery to live a fulfilled life.